
2016 SEO Checklist for Website Owners
Basic SEO Checklist
Install Google Analytics
Analytics help you gain an insight into your visitor demographics and understand your marketing better.
Add Website to Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools
These tools analyze many factors that affect your search traffic. It’s a must have.
Check Site Page Speed at Google PageSpeed Insights
A score of around 85/100 is considered good for both mobile and desktop. Remember, if your site takes more than 2 to 4 seconds to load, your visitor will move on.
Ensure Your CMS is Equipped
Make sure your Content Management System is equipped with an SEO plugin that allows you to write the title, description, image tags, h-tags (headers), and page tags. It should also allow you to format your article (bold, italics, spell-check)
Make Your Site Responsive
Make Your Site Responsive
Check Broken Links
Use Xenu’s Link Sleuth, which is a free and helpful tool.
Validate Your HTML and CSS
Validate your HTML and CSS coding at W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) using HTML validator, CSS validator, and mobile code validator.
Create and Upload a Sitemap.xml
Position pages with maximum potential at the top. Here’s a dynamic sitemap.xml generator (free for up to 500 pages).
Create and Upload a Robots.txt File
The Robots file instructs search engines about pages to crawl, and pages to leave alone (admin area, restricted areas, etc.).
Find 301 and 302 Redirects
Use Screaming Frog to find 301 and 302 redirects. Fix if necessary. You can use the tool free for up to 500 URLs.
Check Your Server
Check if your site is hosted on a spam server. If it is, it will ruin all your SEO-related hard work.
Test Your Website Load
Scoring 85+ at Google Page Insights means jack if your website can’t handle many users at once. If your speed goes down, not only will you lose customers, your rankings will also get hurt.
Install an SSL Certificate
It encrypts your buyers’ inputs, gets you an HTTPs, and builds trust with search engines and viewers at a small price
Claim Your Business
Claim your business and/or URL on all social networks and directories (G+, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Technorati, Pinterest, etc.).
Title, Meta Description, and ALT Tags
Limit the page title to 60-65 characters and ensure it begins with a relevant keyword.Limit the meta description to around 155 characters.Write appropriate ALT (image) tags. Remember, search engines can read content, but cannot view the images
Headers Tags and Internal Links
Use H-tags (headers) to markup sections and subsections of your content.Build internal links. Don’t link text like “Click Me,” or “Know More,” etc. Use strategic anchor text to link to other internal pages. Such links help visitors find topics of interest and spread link juice all over.
Content Optimization
Write in a natural, conversational tone,Ensure your article content does justice to its title.Create an FAQ page and answer every question that exists for your niche and products/services. This may also get your website into the Google Answer box.
Position Your Website for RankBrain Success
Write great content that gets clicked on (RankBrain moves most-clicked content higher up in the SERPs).Make sure to use videos and images.
Aim for Good UX
It pays to add rich snippets to your HTML. Currently, search engines can understand the following types of snippetted content: Product, Recipe, Reviews, Events, Video, News and Software Application.

下载地址: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qYhJxI8

2016-google seo
返回到咨道一问 | | 作者:爆老师 Boson 发表于 12/05/2016

